Monday, March 10, 2008

Smelly Day

You know that you are in trouble when you are in the middle of a speech session at 8:45 am in the morning with a PRESCHOOL kid and all of the sudden a horrible smell hits you!

You sniff and try to concentrate on breathing out of your mouth and continuing your lesson when out of the blue he says, "I hate farts..." What do you do? Mark it down as data after all it was a spontaneous utterance...If I would have known that this would foreshadow what was to come, I would have locked up and went home early. My speech space is shared with the Guided Reading Library. It is literally a closet and has no ventilation. I usually leave the door open because there is no window to the room. However, when the air doesn't move - it doesn't move. For the remainder of the day, I had horrible smell after horrible smell come wafting over the table.


Lara said...

Oh man that is terrible! It's bad enough you have to try to do your work in a closet, but a smelly closet . . . that just isn't right. I hope that it is aired out for you by tomorrow :)

Mbeth said...

that is so funny because I was just telling mike about this chronically gasious child that is in one of my preschool groups. not only to they smell but they're noisy. So everyone is quietly listening to a book im reading and he shifts and, "phrb," rips one. even his mom moves away from him, all of the other kids look in his direction, but he stays focused on the story I am trying to read without missing a beat. i think this happened at least 3 times with the same kid. i have to work really hard not to laugh.

Shelby and Johnny Family said...

karen, i was laughing out loud for ya! that is too funny.

Meghan said...

That is disgusting. We had a similar experience the other day at the preschool which I would rather forget... but you think that kind of thing wold be over when you leave the classroom, right?! Well, on Saturday during my favorite kick-boxing class, some poor gassy-girl must have been standing right by me, because I could barely breathe... as if I haven't had enough in my life already from the kids!

I feel your pain.